- What is a shared pointer?
- What is the difference between shared pointer, auto pointer and intrusive pointer?
- How is shared pointer implemented internally?
- How would you convert from string to integer using boost?
Implement as simple a class as possible to pass the test case below.
If possible,
- use only a single container
- do not use a void pointer
- use any stl/boost/mpl algorithms that are of use
class cNamedVariableContainer
void manage(const std::string& name, T& varRef)
void setValue(const std::string& namedVariable, const std::string& value)
int main()
cNamedVariableContainer nvc;
int myInt(0);
double myDouble(0.);
std::string myString("");
nvc.manage("int", myInt);
nvc.manage("dbl", myDouble);
nvc.manage("str", myString);
nvc.setValue("int", "43");
nvc.setValue("dbl", "123.8");
nvc.setValue("str", "hello");
std::cout << myInt << std::endl;
std::cout << myDouble << std::endl;
std::cout << myString << std::endl;
return 0;
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